
5-Shot Friday for 4/20/18: Fine Acrylamide, Tahitian Baguettes, Perfect Bar, GenX Leading, and Well-Rounded Athleticism

Apr 20, 2018


5 Shot Friday

5-Shot Friday for 4/20/18: Fine Acrylamide, Tahitian Baguettes, Perfect Bar, GenX Leading, and Well-Rounded Athleticism

Welcome to the April 20th edition of 5-Shot Friday, featuring 5 things that can actually change how you relate to health and wellness.

1. Lions and Tigers and Acrylamide In Coffee, Oh My!

An article from Dave Asprey (@bulletproofexec) highlighting the pitfalls of adopting the latest “XYZ Causes Cancer” headline without some critical thinking and comparison shopping. Red meat isn’t as bad as you might think, for similar reasons.

2. Tweet of the Week: Tahitian Baguettes

3. Perfect Protein Bar?

Finding the perfect protein bar – for you as an individual – takes time. What’s important to you? If it’s easy findability plus tastes good to your kids, your local supermarket selection carries plenty of options, usually tasting of chocolate or peanut butter, usually with tons of taste-tweaking ingredients. If it’s high protein/low carb, your search radius shrinks a bit, though there are plenty of companies in this space. Organic or raw ingredients, and now you’ve narrowed the field a lot. Vegan only, pretty narrow, and under 10 ingredients, practically nonexistent. At some point you start sacrificing something, and you’ve got a bar you don’t much want to eat. I’m pretty happy with the Go Raw spirulina bars that my coach recommended, but my family finds the crackly wafers off putting, and they’re not easy to find, except on Amazon. Papa Steves bars hit another sweet spot: like most “special” bars they’re pricey – about $4 each – but they’re meant more as a meal replacement than a casual snack. And you can tick off a bunch of those checkboxes and still get something palatable.

4. Gen X Taking The Lead

5-Shot Friday: Gen X Taking The Lead Millennials feature prominently in generational discussions, but as this MSN Money article points out, the stats point to Gen X – folks born between 1965 and 1981 – as the drivers of leadership across the cultural and business spectrum:

“It seems that all eyes are on the slowly retiring baby boomers or the ascending millennials, now the world"s majority generation. But our recent study revealed that Gen X is playing a critical — and underappreciated — role in leadership as organizations grapple with digital transformation." “We found that Gen X now accounts for 51 percent of leadership roles globally. With an average of 20 years of workplace experience, they are primed to quickly assume nearly all top executive roles." “Some 54 percent of Gen X and 56 percent of millennials reported that they are digitally savvy…That finding is backed up by research by Nielsen, which revealed that Gen X is the most connected generation. Nielsen found that Gen Xers use social media 40 minutes more each week than millennials. They were also more likely than millennials to stay on their phones at the dinner table and spend more time on every type of device — phone, computer, or tablet. And, as it turns out, Gen X is bringing this connectivity to work.”

The article’s description of Gen X-ers reads like a horoscope: digitally savvy to excess, masters of “old school” skills but comfortable with breaking down organizational silos and collaborating, successful at taking on heavy workloads, and eager for mentoring and innovation opportunities.

5. Podcast of the Week: Is Your Kid A Well-Rounded Athlete?

Is Your Kid A Well-Rounded Athlete Kelly Starrett interviews legendary coach Harry Marra, who coached American athletes to Olympic medals in the decathlon and heptathlon – arguably, the pinnacle competitions for men and women as the best all-around athletes. This 54 minute podcast discusses what being athletically well-rounded means, why it’s important for young people, and how to get there. If you’d like to get more 5-Shot Fridays, please subscribe to my email list for automatic updates delivered to your inbox (I will never share or abuse it). And if you enjoyed this week’s edition, I’d appreciate a share. [feedburner_form]