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Drug Testing and Alcohol Screening, Orange County, CA

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Drug and Alcohol Testing Services for Employer and Individual Needs

A comprehensive and consistent drug and alcohol testing program is important to retain a safe and productive workforce while decreasing accidents, absenteeism, and downtime. Whether you are an individual or an employer, we provide a complete drug and alcohol test that is efficient and customized to your unique needs and business profile. We have certified and well- trained testing staff who perform drug and alcohol tests with outstanding results and 100% satisfaction and transparency.

We provide drug screening tests for various needs, including pre-employment testing, post-accident testing, random testing, reasonable suspicion testing, and personal reasons like court-order or probation. With drug screening programs that match your needs, federal requirements, and costs, we ensure your workplaces are safe, healthy, and drug-free. Our experts will review your results to make sure they are accurate, have any safety concerns, or require additional testing.

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Employee and Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Employee and Pre-Employment Drug Testing

We help your company implement and maintain a drug-free environment with our range of drug testing services:

Routine Employment or Pre-Employment Testing

Routine employment test is performed on current employees at regular intervals throughout the year. Some companies choose to perform routine employment drug testing annually. We will perform the test as per your requirements.

Our pre-employment testing will prevent employers from hiring employees who use illicit drugs or misuse prescription medication. Employers require a negative drug test result before an employee starts working.

Random Drug Test

A random drug test is usually conducted without informing employees about the test. An employer will randomly select one or more individuals for the test. This test helps to ensure that your employees are not under the influence on the job and provide a healthy and safe workplace for everyone.

Reasonable Suspicion Drug Test

It is also known as a cause drug test and is performed when another employee or supervisor suspects an employee for drug use based on evidence or reasonable cause. Evidence usually includes direct observation and reasonable causes for suspicion testing including abnormal behavior, physical evidence of illicit drugs, inability to complete routine tasks, and disorientation or confusion.

Drug or Alcohol Testing for Personal Reasons

We provide drug or alcohol screening tests for personal reasons like court-order, a probation period, child custody cases, divorce hearings, and other employment and legal circumstances. We can complete personal drug testing in less time and deliver the results quickly.

Post-Incident Drug and Alcohol Testing

It is usually performed after an employee has been involved in a workplace accident. This test helps to determine whether drugs are the major reason for the incident. Generally, employers implement post-accident drug testing if the incident has caused fatalities, damage to a vehicle or property, or physical injuries that require medical assistance. However, you can establish the objective criteria for when the test will be conducted, and we will comply with your requirements.

Tips to Pass a DOT Physical Examination

Types of Drug Testing That We Offer

We conduct the urine drug testing type only. It is the traditional drug screening option and analyzes your urine for the presence of illegal drugs and prescription medication. Employers who implement urine drug testing usually select 5-panel or 10-panel grouping. A single urine test can detect 1 to 16 drugs of abuse.

About the 5-Panel and 10-Panel Drug Tests

Our 5-panel drug test can screen drugs based on the employer’s requirements.

Our 10-panel drug test screens for these drugs:

  • Barbiturates
  • Marijuana Metabolites
  • Methamphetamine
  • Amphetamines
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine Metabolites
  • Alcohol
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Methadone
  • Opiates
Benefit from Our Drug

Who All Can Benefit from Our Drug and Alcohol Testing Services

  • DUI and DWI offenders
  • Wellness programs
  • Child protection cases
  • Family courts
  • Probation and parole officers
  • Schools and parents
  • Rehabilitation and healthcare facilities
  • Adoptions
  • Last chance agreements
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Child custody cases

We are always up-to-date with alcohol and drug testing rules and regulations to provide you better and accurate results. Contact us to schedule an appointment if you are looking for an urgent care center near you that provides alcohol and drug testing.

Our Drug Testing Locations in Orange County, CA

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