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Pain in the Ear: Exploring Ear Infections and How to Alleviate Them

Sep 08, 2023


Ear Infections

Pain in the Ear: Exploring Ear Infections and How to Alleviate Them

Ear infections can affect both adults and children and can be extremely painful. Five out of every six three-year-olds have had them at some point.

Also known as Otitis Media (OM), ear infections aren’t always serious and often disappear without treatment. However, an infant might need medical intervention, since most babies have underdeveloped ear drainage anatomy and weaker immune system than adults. Statistics also show that 15% of adolescents with OM experience some level of hearing loss.

Let’s look at different types of ear infections, their symptoms, and when to get help if you or your child has OM.

Understanding Ear Infections

Ear infections are inflammations of the middle ear, the space behind the eardrum. They are often caused by viruses or bacteria and can create symptoms like ear pain, muffled hearing, and fluid buildup. Ear infections are particularly common in children. Timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent complications and alleviate discomfort.

There are different types of ear infections:

  • Acute Otitis Media (AOM):

    Also known as a middle ear infection, AOM causes swelling (inflammation) in the space behind the eardrum. Fluid or pus can build up behind the eardrum, causing pain. You may experience a fever due to this infection.
  • Otitis Media with Effusion (OME):

    Although it occurs in the middle ear like AOM, OME isn’t an infection. The fluid that builds up behind the eardrum causes swelling, but it doesn't contain pus and may not have any symptoms, including ear pain.
  • Otitis Externa:

    This outer ear infection is also known as a swimmer’s ear because it often results from water exposure when swimming. If the skin integrity protecting your earlobe or the ear canal is breached, microorganisms like bacteria can invade the surrounding skin area.

Common causes of ear infections are:

  • Bacteria:

    A middle ear infection can be bacterial, meaning that it’s caused by microorganisms like Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. It usually starts as an upper respiratory condition, such as sore throat, before the bacteria move to the middle ear.
  • Viruses:

    Viruses that cause most upper respiratory infections (head and chest colds) can also infect the middle ear. This is why children with a viral cold or flu are more susceptible to getting OM.

Ear Infection Symptoms We Should Know About

Common ear infection symptoms include:

  • Mild Otitis Media:

    Mild OM may cause your child to experience ear pain, fever, or muffled hearing. They may become irritated or have trouble sleeping, and you may notice them tugging at an ear because of the discomfort.
  • Otitis Media with Effusion:

    Besides soreness, this infection may cause fever, blocked hearing and can lead to gradual loss of hearing if untreated. Patients often complain of hearing a ringing sound or experiencing stuffiness inside the affected ear.
  • Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media:

    This infection can cause lightheadedness that feels as though the environment around you is spinning. Its symptoms include gradual hearing impairment, ear pain, discharge of pus-like fluid from the ear, and scaling of the outer ear canal.

Tips to Prevent Ear Infections

Below are some strategies to help you stay healthy and minimize your child’s exposure to ear infections:

  • Breastfeeding until your child is at least 12 months old to reduce their risk of developing ear infections (recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Not smoking cigarettes (and avoiding second-hand exposure)
  • Making sure you and your child are immunized against common causes of ear infections
  • Sanitizing and keeping your hands clean
  • Stopping pacifier use for your baby when they reach 1 year old

When Should You See a Healthcare Provider About an Ear Infection?

If you or your child has a middle ear infection, you should see a doctor if:

  • Symptoms do not improve after 2-3 days
  • There’s fluid leaking from the affected ear
  • The temperature increases to 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  • Hearing loss occurs

Can Urgent Care Centers Treat Ear Infection?

The severity of your ear infection symptoms determines the urgency of treatment. Your healthcare provider will diagnose and treat you after taking a careful history and performing an examination.

Discover Relief and Comfort with FCC Urgent Cares: Your Partner in Ear Infection Care!

While many ear infections clear up without medical intervention, persistent cases can lead to serious complications. Visit us at any of our clinics Fountain Valley Urgent Care, Irvine Woodbridge Urgent Care, or Costa Mesa Urgent Care, CA, if you or your loved ones experience a severe ear infection. We are committed to providing expert care and tailored solutions for optimal ear health.