As we’ve become more aware of healthier food & beverage options, soft drink sales have declined and the juicing trend has boomed. Many celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone, and Ryan Seacrest are also promoting the practice.
Juicing, which is different from blending, involves extracting just the liquid from fruits and vegetables – hence the term “juicing.” The juice helps quench thirst and provides the body with many nutrients, but you may wonder how healthy juicing really is.
The foremost benefit of juicing is that it gives your body a good dose of what it needs: nutrients including enzymes, minerals and antioxidants. At the same time it only gives you a minimal or zero dose of ingredients that your body doesn"t need, such as excess sugar, fructose, artificial sweeteners, fats, and salt, which are common ingredients in nearly all processed beverages.
Weight Loss
A strict juicing program can help you lose weight within days due to a reduced carbohydrate intake, which translates into fewer calories and less water retention. Many juicing programs, however, are very low in protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats. Jucing instead of eating can result in muscle tissue as well as fat loss, leading to a slower metabolism and decreased energy.
Irony of Juicing
One of the major drawbacks to juicing is that it eliminates the fiber from fruits and vegetables unless you retain the pulp; juicing machines separate the fiber from the juice that you drink, in a bin that is usually discarded. Unfortunately, the chemistry of high carbs (if you juice lots of fruit), low protein and low fiber can spike your blood sugar, causing headache, fatigue and moodiness. Additionally, juicing does not give you a sense of being full the way meals do – much of that signal, called “satiety,” comes from the bulk effect of fiber in the stomach.
Weighing the Evidence
Juicing is not needed to detox the body, contrary to marketing claims. Your immune system already takes care of removing toxins from your body. Buying a juicer can also be pricey if you’re cost conscious. But juicing can be a significant source of additional nutrients if you tend to favor pre-packaged, non-whole foods: it’s a lot easier to drink a glass of freshly juiced produce than to eat an armful of greens and fruits.
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