
Measles Outbreak Reaches Orange County

Feb 06, 2015


Measles Outbreak

Measles Outbreak Reaches Orange County
Measles Cases and Outbreaks California is currently experiencing a large outbreak of measles. The outbreak started in December 2014 when at least 40 people who visited or worked at Disneyland in mid-December contracted measles and now involves 121 cases in 17 states plus Washington DC (CDC, 2/6/15). This one outbreak represents 85% of the measles cases reported in the U.S. this year. Of the 22 Orange County measles cases, five are children. Four of these children were not vaccinated and two were hospitalized. Vaccination is critical to preventing further spread of the disease. Additional Measles Cases Expected in Orange County Here is some key information you need to know about the measles outbreak:
  • The overall risk of contracting the measles in Orange County is low, and residents who have yet to receive any measles vaccinations should get a dose of the MMR vaccine.
  • Having two doses of measles-containing vaccine (MMR) is more than 99% effective in preventing measles.
  • If children are exposed to measles, they and all childcare/school staff without documented immunity will be removed from work, child care, or school from day 7 after the first exposure to day 21 after the final exposure.
  • If you suspect you or your child may have measles, please contact your physician"s office immediately.
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