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Sprains and Strains Treatment, Orange County, CA

Fast and Affordable Urgent Care for Muscle Sprains and Strains

Fast and Affordable Urgent Care for Muscle Sprains and Strains

The terms “sprains” and “strains” are used interchangeably, but they are different types of injuries. A strain is the tearing or overstretching of tendons (fibrous cords of tissues) connecting bones to muscles, whereas a sprain is the tearing or overstretching of ligaments (bands of tissues) connecting bones in a joint. While sprains and strains can be caused by lifting heavy weights, slips, and falls, they are also very common with athletes who resume sports activities after the off-season.

While mild strains or sprains can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications and rest, severe ones require medical intervention to ensure proper care and prevent repetitive injuries. At FCCMG, we provide muscle strain and sprain treatment on all seven days at our three urgent care locations (Irvine, and Costa Mesa). With our prompt yet effective medical assistance, we can quickly heal your pain, helping you get back to your normal life.

Highlights of Our Urgent Care Facilities

  • In-house labs for fast diagnosis and effective treatment
  • Wheelchair transport
  • Open every day, including holidays
  • Friendly and compassionate on-board staff
  • Accept most insurance plans
  • Free parking
  • Online check-in to reduce wait times
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What Could Have Caused Your Sprain or Strain?

Causes of Sprain

A sprain can occur when you overstress your joint, resulting in a ligament tear. Sprains commonly occur due to:

  • Exercising or walking on uneven surfaces
  • Poor landing from a jump
  • Overextending your thumb while playing tennis
  • Suddenly pivoting your knee
  • Landing on an extended hand during a fall

The following factors can increase your risk of sprains:

  • Wearing worn-out shoes or shoes that don’t fit
  • Fatigue (when you are tired, your muscles won’t provide good support to your joints, making you vulnerable to sprains)

Causes of Strains

Strains can be either acute or chronic. Using poor body motions to lift heavy weights can cause acute strains, while chronic strains are caused by repetitive injuries (stressing the muscle by repeating the same activity).

Contact sports (such as wrestling, soccer, hockey, etc.) and others like basketball, golf, gymnastics, etc., can increase your risk of strains, especially in the elbows, hands, legs, and ankles.

Strain and Sprain Symptoms We Can Treat

At our urgent care facilities, we can treat the following symptoms of sprains and strains:

  • Muscle weakness or spasms
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Joint instability
  • Limited movement in the injured area

While we treat these common symptoms, we may refer you to a specialist for a holistic diagnosis and treatment if you experience more severe symptoms such as:

  • Pain that persists for a week, despite treatment
  • Bleeding or numbness in the injured site
  • Inability to walk or move your arms/legs

Diagnosis and Treatment for Sprains and Strains

At FCCMG, we will diagnose sprains and strains with:

  • Physical Examination - During the physical exam, we will check for tenderness, swelling, and intensity of pain in the affected area.
  • X-ray - We may recommend an X-ray to determine the nature and extent of the damage or look for fractures in the injured joint.

Depending on your test results and the severity of your injury, we may recommend any of the following treatment options to treat your sprain or strain:

  • Rest – Includes resting the injured area for 2 to 3 days and avoiding strenuous activities or stressing the injured area that worsens the pain. However, you shouldn’t stop being physically active to keep your other muscles in good shape.
  • Ice Therapy - Involves applying ice packs on the injured site to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  • Compression – Involves compressing the injured area with an elastic bandage to prevent swelling. However, don’t wrap the bandage tightly, as it can interrupt blood circulation, causing numbness and pain.
  • Elevation – Includes keeping the affected area elevated above your chest level to minimize swelling.
  • Pain Relievers – Such as topical or oral pain relievers to mitigate your pain.
  • Splints and Braces – To keep your injured area still, thus limiting its movement and allowing its soft tissues to heal while reducing pain.
  • Physical Therapy – Includes stretches and exercises to maximize the stability and flexibility of the affected joint, preventing recurrent injuries.
  • Surgery – Recommended if your ligaments/tendons are completely torn or ruptured.

Receive Best-in-Class Muscle Strains and Sprains Treatment at FCCMG

Visit or call us at one of our urgent care clinics in Irvine Woodbridge, or Costa Mesa, CA, for effective sprains and strain treatment. Whether it is a mild strain or a painful sprain, we can help cure it with a customized treatment regimen and swift medical care.

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